Listing of available software upgrades and instructions.
- BTC-6DCL Software Upgrade
- BTC-6PX (1080) Software Upgrade
- BTC-5PX (1080) Software Upgrade
- How can I find the software version on my trail camera?
- Is there a software upgrade available for my trail camera?
- BTC-5HD-26-CBP Power Correction
- BTC-7-4K-EDGE - U3 Speed Rated SD Card SWU
- BTC-PATRIOT-FHD - U3 Speed Rated SD Card SWU
- BTC-7E - U3 Speed Rated SD Card SWU
- BTC-7E-HP4 Software Update
- BTC-8E - U3 Speed Rated SD Card SWU
- BTC-8E-HP4 Software Update
- 2015 Software Upgrades
- 2013 Software Upgrades