HD Request Errors

When requesting HD images there are a few things to keep in mind. These images are large, take longer to transmit and can only be sent/requested once. If there is a problem during the request process or transmission the image/request cannot occur again. Issues can occur by errors in the cellular transmission or with the SD card itself.


Some Tips for HD Image Transfers are:


  • Only use the recommended SD cards and do not use a SD card that has been previously used in another device.
  • If possible have one or two SD cards that are specific to the trail camera and each time you install them use the Delete All function in the cameras Setup Menu to keep the SD card properly formatted to the camera.
  • SD Cards receive wear and tear and occasionally need to be replaced.
  • If possible, keep the data low on the SD card so that the requested image is easier to locate for transmission.
  • Keep in mind if an HD Transfer does not take place for a requested image the file is on the SD card when you return to the camera.
  • If HD Requests complete on some images but not others this indicates there is no issue with the trail camera.
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